About us
A brief introduction to the club and why it's so special.
We brave and hardy few of the RWSAC generally fish out of Newhaven and Weymouth. We fish with some of the best skippers on the South Coast (and Richard English too). From Newhaven we're usually to be found on Ocean Warrior III, an Aquastar 38 Sportsfisherman, run by Dave Elliot. He and his dad are generally known as the Smurfs, but apart from the blue colour, I can't see the resemblance myself. Dave is a top skipper and is especially good at anchoring for conger, but he's up there for pretty much anything really.
Before them, we used to fish with the best bass-skipper in the business, Stu Arnold on Catchup III - a 40' Lochin - until he had to skip the country pursued by the mob dressed as a shoal of joeys. We also used to fish lots with top eeling skipper Chris Martin, but sadly (unless you're a conger) he doesn't do it any more.
From Weymouth we fish with Richard English on Lone Shark, er II, (or is it III?), a cat of indeterminate provenance which is very stable and would probably go quite fast if we could persuade him to use more than 400 revs. Richard used to be a male model, and as a skipper he definitely makes a good shop manikin. Actually, he's bloody brilliant at just about everything, especially at finding turbot, bass and wrecks that still hold ling. He's hopeless at handling eels though, because he's scared of them. He's also becoming a fair bream angler under my careful tutelage.
Our other regular skipper in Weymouth is Ken Leicester, who fishes from Bonwey, laughingly known as a modern 10m MFV. It certainly was modern once, but the 1860s are long gone now. Bonwey is made from a type of mahogany known to have been extinct since before the days of Aristotle (who was a decent bass angler in his time). Despite this, Ken is one of the best plaice and turbot skippers in the business and is excellent for all other inshore fishing too, especially blonde rays on the Kidney Bank.
We like our skippers because they do the business for us time and again. By which I mean they don't get too grumpy when we turn up late and have no idea what we're doing, and then constantly take the piss while insisting they make endless cups of tea (Richard excepted).
In summer from Newhaven we go eeling at anchor and drift fishing for cod (when the cod are about). We also fit in the odd bassing trip, and certain club members prefer to fish for black bream at anchor because "conger eels are all big and scary". In winter we switch to inshore codding and in spring we like to hit the pollack shoals, or more accurately, we miss them.
On our visits to Weymouth, we like to fit in one or two trips in the spring for plaice and turbot, and in the summer we have a two-day fishing bonanza, with everything from rays, tope, huss, conger, wrasse, bass and bream through to the local Karaoke bars our target.
There are about 40 of us in the club, many of whom know which way up to hold a fishing rod (as long as they're given a few hints) and one of whom once tied a knot all by himself (it lost him a fish of course, but it's the thought that counts).
For more information about the club or how to join our merry crew of miserable losers, you really ought to be on the Contact page. So what are you doing here?
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