In the old days, Adam's muscular frame was capable of subduing large fish, such as this lovely cod
Adam's cod
In the old days, Adam's muscular frame was capable of subduing large fish, such as this lovely cod

More information

More useful stuff about the club. The kind of stuff you really can't live without...

Hmm, the title and description of this page may be slightly misleading. There really isn't much here that would qualify as information. "Rubbish" just about sums it up. Of course, we plan to put a stop to all that by adding a fantastic new section with all the rigs, maps, tips and info you could ever need, which will solve all your wrecking and general ground fishing problems, turn you into a top angler, and make you the greatest lover the world has ever known.

No, really, we are going to make it happen. It's just that we've been a bit busy lately. You see I had to put the bins out last night, and before that it was the dishwasher. Look, they don't just empty themselves, you know!

As for the club, that's where this page is a bit of a failure. You see, it was intended to be a "More information" page. but instead it has just turned into another stupid rant. Well, how much can you say about a bunch of sad losers who think that "Your plaice or mine?" is a funny joke, and spend too much of their hard earned cash on entirely superfluous bits of new kit (obviously I'm not talking about Two Rods here, as he is still perfectly happy with his 1960s Milbro rods - solid glass with a Greenheart tip - of indeterminate line class, but which quite happily fold over completely under the strain of a 3oz poor cod).

Oh, but we love fishing really, and though we're not very good at it on the whole, there's always something entertaining happening, even if it's just Clive putting Dymo labels on all his terminal tackle so he knows where to find everything even in the dark, or Adam's habit of falling asleep as soon as we leave port, and only waking up when we return. So come and join us. It costs nothing but your dignity. Oh, and a tenner a year, of course.

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