This club is justly famed throughout the land for its T-shirts. Produced on an annual basis, and with a satirical slant you'd be hard pushed to find clever or amusing, these must-have fashion items feature our very own wasted fish in a variety of compromising situations. Check them out...

The original
Unbelievably it's another picture of Ben. Here he models the very first club T-shirt. It was not marked with the year, but records show it made its appearance in 1999.
Unbelievably it's another picture of Ben. Here he models the very first club T-shirt. It was not marked with the year, but records show it made its appearance in 1999.

Unbelievably it's another picture of Ben. Here he models the very first club T-shirt. It was not marked with the year, but records show it made its appearance in 1999.
Ben is modelling that perennial favourite, the polo shirt. With its smart club motif discretely positioned on the left breast and a sturdy collar, you'll be welcome everywhere with this on!
The 2006 featured our best ever joke - a football team of fish in time for the world cup - with a flat back four of Plaice, Turbot, Brill and Dab. Get it? Genius.
Possibly the most popular T-shirt ever made, the year 2000 was an instant classic, with its simple motif and lack of clever tagline. It set a standard we have never reached again.
Adam models the still-popular 2003 T-shirt in baby blue - "Shads of mass destruction" - a reference to some weapons which didn't exist. So brilliant was our slogan, that it was ripped off by a popular shad manufacturer. Well, nearly... their "Weapons of bass destruction" was better.
The 2008 T-shirt came at a time of oil price crisis. The motif was the fish as a drop of diesel being squeezed unwillingly from a pump. But you can't really see any of that behind Ben's superb thin lipped mullet
This is the Weymouth Olympic edition from 2007, modelled by Phil Pepper