Club records

Some great fish here, and some pretty pathetic specimens. We're proud of them all.

Species Weight (% GB record) Captor
Allis shad 6oz (2lb/19%) Ray Bachelor
Bass 11lb (19lb 9oz 2dm/56%) Stewart Greenwood
Bream, black
5lb 1oz (6lb 14oz 4dm/73%) Colin Pearce
Bream, red
4oz (9lb 8oz 12dm/3%)
Andy Selby
Brill 7lb 2oz (16lb/46%) Clive Hodges
Coalfish 2lb 8oz (37lb 5oz/7%) Ben Eveling
Cod 27lb 8oz (58lb 6oz/47%) Neil Cook
Conger 85lb (133lb 4oz/64%) Nick Coster
Dab 12oz (2lb 12oz/27%) Jari Vanhatalo
Dogfish, Greater Spotted 13lb 8oz (22lb 4oz/61%) Ben Eveling
Dogfish, Lesser Spotted 2lb 12oz (4lb 6oz 8dm/62%) Ben Eveling
Garfish 1lb (3lb 9oz 8dm/28%) Ben Eveling
Goby, black
1oz 8dm (2oz 4dm/67%
Clive Hodges
Gurnard, red 1lb 14oz (2lb 13oz 11dm/66%) Adam Frost
Gurnard, tub 5lb 6oz (11lb 7oz 4dm/47%) David Simpson
Herring 5oz (1lb 1oz/29%) Kim Hodges
Steve Newham
John Dory
1lb (11lb 14oz/8%)
Steve Newham
Ling 28lb 6oz (59lb 8oz/48%) Chris Grant
Mackerel 2lb (6lb 2oz 7dm/33%) Neil Cook
Pilchard 1oz 8dm (8oz/19%) Tony Harker
Plaice 7lb 10oz (10lb 3oz 8dm/75%) Kim Hodges
Pollack 19lb 6oz (29lb 4oz/66%) Steve Newham
Poor cod 5oz 8dm (11oz/50%) Ben Eveling
Adam Frost
Pouting 3lb 5oz (5lb 8oz/60%) Chris Hillier
Ray, blonde 26lb 5oz (37lb 12oz/70%) Adam Frost
Ray, thornback 9lb 8oz (31lb 7oz/30%) Phil Boxall
Ray, undulate 16lb 8oz (22lb 13oz/72%) Andy Freeman
Ray, small-eyed 6lb 1oz (17lb 8oz/35%) Rob Webber
Ray, spotted 4lb 12oz (8lb 10oz 8dm/55%) Adam Frost
Red band fish
2oz 1dm (7oz 1dm/29%)
Chris Grant
Rockling, 3 bearded
14oz (3lb 4oz 4dm/27%)
Phil Brooks
Sandeel, greater 2oz 8dm (8oz 7dm/30%) Ben Eveling
Sandeel, lesser
4oz (no record)
Steve Newham
Sandeel, small
1oz (no record)
Andy Selby
Scad 1lb 1oz (3lb 5oz 3dm/32%) Tom Fowler
Smoothhound, common 11lb 5oz (28lb/40%) Ben Eveling
Smoothhound, starry 15lb 15oz (25lb 4oz/77%) Christ Grant
Spurdog 19lb 8oz (28lb 2oz/57%) Phil Pepper
Tope 35lb 12oz (82lb 8oz/43%) Nick Coster
Turbot 21lb 4oz (33lb 12oz/63%) Phil Brooks
Weever, greater
1lb 7oz (2lb 0oz 13dm/70%)
Adam Frost
Weever, lesser
1oz 8dm (3oz 4dm/46%)
Andy Selby
Chris Grant
Whiting 3lb 4oz (6lb 12oz/48%) Ben Eveling
Wrasse, ballan 7lb 12oz (9lb 6oz/83%) Steve Newham
Wrasse, corkwing 6oz (11oz 4dm/53%) Steve Newham
Wrasse, cuckoo 2lb 2oz (2lb 7oz 12dm/86%) Nick Coster
Wrasse, goldsinney 2oz (3oz 4dm/62%) Ben Eveling



And the vitally important non-fish records
Anemone, Dahlia (including stone)
1lb Steve Newham
Anemone 4oz Steve Newham
Bag, plastic (water filled)
Adam Frost
Brittlestar 8dm Ben Eveling
Coral, cabbage
Ben Eveling
"Coral grass" 8dm Phil Boxall
Crab, edible 3lb 2oz
Clive Hodges
Crab, hermit
Jonathan Barrett
Crab, spider 5lb Adam Frost
Crab, weird
Ben Eveling
Cuttlefish 2lb 14oz
Steve Newham
Dead man's fingers 4oz Karen Morton-Clarke
Patrick Newman
Ric Newth
Film, cling 10oz Andy Selby
Gull, black backed
2lb Ben Eveling
Gull, herring 1lb 8oz
Clive Hodges
Joke, practical
Ben Eveling
Kelp 4lb 8oz Kim Mace
Limpet, common
1oz 8dm Ben Eveling
Limpet, slipper (colony)
1oz 8dm Robin Eyles
Adam Frost
Mussel 2oz Andy Freeman
Andy Selby
Sack, onion (dry)
Ben Eveling
Rag, oily (dry)
Nick Coster
Scallop 12oz Robin Eyles
Shearwater, manx
Neil Cook
Squid 3lb 10oz Colin Pearce
Kim Hodges
Stone 7lb 5oz Adam Frost
Tangle, free range
3lb 8oz
Ben Eveling
Towel, sanitary 5oz Simon Smewing
Queenie 1oz 8dm Karen Morton-Clarke
Whelk, dog
Adam Frost
Winkle 8dm Ric Newth
Wood, drift 2lb 8oz Alain Urruty


Records last updated 14/10/2023

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