Using the noticeboard
Help in using the noticeboard to leave notices for other members
This is a place where you can add short notices for club members and other visitors to the site to view.
- Log in and click on Noticeboard in the main navigation.
- Click on the "add new" drop down in the gray edit bar and select "notice".
- Give
the notice a title and then type in your text. You have a Word-like
text field, with bold, italics etc. A single return gives a line space
between paragraphs, so don't do double returns.
- Be brief. Notices are only for short messages of up to 50 words.
- Click "save" at the bottom of the page.
- Publish the notice by clicking on the "state: internal draft" drop down menu on the right hand side of the edit bar and selecting "publish".
- Return to the Noticeboard page and you'll see your notice has been inserted at the very top. On the homepage it now appears in the Noticeboard box.
Please note item 6 about publishing your notice. If you don't publish your notices, they won't be visible to anyone except you when you're logged in.
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