Drifting for pollack

Our first outing of the year drifting with shads and redgills for pollack
When 09 Feb, 2015
from 07:45 AM to 04:45 PM
Where Newhaven
Contact Name
Contact Phone 01273 478886
Attendees 1. Adam
2. Brooksie
3. Clive
4. Stevie
5. Andy Bark
6. Adrian
7. Marvin
8. Rob
9. Martin - Adrian's mate
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To save me from being inundated with texts & phone calls from Brooksie, here's a quick summary of today's adventures.

Crew: Adam, Clive, Stevie, Andy Barker, Marvin, Little Rob, Adrian & Adrian's mate Martin.
Wind: NNW F2 Sea state: Very little to b*gger all. Overcast. Chilly, but not cold.
24-26 miles off, fished a total of 4 wrecks - 2 biggish, 2 small.
Caught sporadically at all locations. The pollack are on the wrecks & fat with spawn, but not in any great quantity yet. Dave reckons another week or two before it really takes off, so by the time of our next trip (9th March), it should be in full swing.
We ended up with a total of 1 small cod & 13 pollack, including 4 doubles. Largest was Stevie's new Club Record at 19lb 6oz (19:1 in harbour & difficult to get an accurate weight at sea without a Smedley Weigh-o-tron, but not quite a 20! Short fat fish, would probably go 14 in summer. Rhubarb & Custard Sidewinders top lure by far, despite 37 other permutations being tried.
Items of note & award contenders: 
Rob sporting a v. c*nty hat - part, beanie, part South Park, part bobble hat in crude camo.
Brooksie having to cry off at last minute due to pressure of work. I hope the Midlands was lovely! At least we didn't have to put up with a stream of complaints, interspersed with filth. Hopefully he'll be able to make the next one, as we don't know who has died recently!
Andy B yet again managed to get kitted up without actually getting line through all has rod-rings, with the added bonus of a full twist round the rod itself - excellent work! This is, to my knowledge, the second time he has achieved this feat, possibly the third.
Our new member, Martin is first in the queue for the Novice's Cup. He behaved himself, so will fish with us again.
The angling equivalent of Leigh Halfpenny missing a penalty - Clive blanked!! He has topped up the club's lead bucket however, so this will never be mentioned again.
Adrian is now Dave's Tea Boy - thank you.
Although it wasn't done on this trip, the 'Wrecker of Reels' (Newham S.) has somehow managed to bend a bomb-proof Shimano Torium - remarkable!
Nothing else to report - roll on 09/03.

All - if Adam had sent a normal e-mail cc'ing people I could have shared this picture with today's crew but, for now it has to be shared with an elite few.
As much as it pains me to say this - well done Stevie, it was a cracking fish. Oh, I'm so pleased I cocked up my only decent take of the day, deep joy!

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