Weymouth summer trip

At last! It's here. More fun than laughing and certainly more fun than you've ever known in your miserable existence, unless you were on a previous two-day summer trip, of course. I book all the stuff, so all you have to do is pay through the nose, turn up and catch fewer fish than me. Yes, okay, you want to know about the fish. There will be blonde rays, tope, bream, plaice, turbot, brill, bass, wrasse, cod, thornbacks and red band fish. And that's just for starters.
When 21 Aug, 2015 08:00 AM to
22 Aug, 2015 05:00 PM
Where Weymouth
Contact Name
Contact Phone 01273 478886
Attendees 1. Adam
2. Ben
3. Smed
4. Brooksie
5. Stevie
6. Chris
7. Andy Bark
8. Tony the carpet
10. Lord Selby (Sat only)
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