Past Events

Events which have already happened.
Bass and bream, or rays and tope - number two 22 Jul, 2024 from 08:05 AM to 05:05 PM Littlehampton,
Like the trip before, this one will either target bass with lures or rays and tope at anchor. Either way, it could be a cracker.
Bass and bream, or rays and tope 24 Jun, 2024 from 08:00 AM to 04:55 PM Littlehampton,
Depending on what's about, we'll either be lure fishing for bass with some ground fishing with small baits for bream, or anchoring on sandbanks for big rays and hard fighting tope. It's about time we beat Nick Coster's ancient tope record of 35lb 12oz. We need a forty!
Spring flattie trip! 27 May, 2024 from 08:00 AM to 04:50 PM Weymouth,
This is the first time we've done one of these for ages, so it should be extremely interesting. The plaice have returned so we'll probably have a look at them, and then the turbot and brill are more common than we've ever known before, so we'll try for them too. There's also bream fishing to be done, if we fancy it and they're big at this time of year.
Bass or bream, massive ones obviously 13 May, 2024 from 08:00 AM to 04:40 PM Littlehampton,
There ought to be bass around, but if they are in short supply, then there will be loads of bream around to keep up busy.
Big bream, or maybe, you know... bass? [REARRANGED] 01 May, 2024 from 08:35 AM to 04:35 PM Littlehampton,
The breams have moved inshore, and this is one of your best chances of the year to bag yourself a three, or even a four-pounder. They don't half pull back. And you never know - if there are bass about, then we might spend some of the day fishing lures for them instead. This trip is rearranged from the trip cancelled on Monday the 29th of April.
BONUS bream, and possibly bass and smoothound 22 Apr, 2024 from 08:25 AM to 05:25 PM Littlehampton,
An entire boat has suddenly become available at short notice for a trip out of Littlehampton for bream and smoothhounds. The weather looks good, so let's get a crew together and go!
Weymouth pollacking (or spurs and rays) [CANCELLED] 05 Apr, 2024 from 08:00 AM to 04:30 PM Weymouth,
This is our only chance to snap up those big Weymouth pollack before they spread out and get harder to catch. If it's too rough to get offshore, then there are loads of big spurs and rays inshore.
Second pollack trip of 2024 [CANCELLED] 25 Mar, 2024 from 08:00 AM to 04:25 PM Littlehampton,
This is peak pollack, so if you're one of those weirdos that likes catching lots of really big fish that scream off with your lure, then this might be the trip for you.
Bonus pollack trip! [CANCELLED] 05 Mar, 2024 from 08:05 AM to 05:05 PM Littlehampton,
Yes! I've begged Martin and he's finally agreed to give us an extra date to go pollacking. It's peak season, so the action will be hectic and the fish enormous.
First pollack trip of the year [CANCELLED] 05 Feb, 2024 from 08:05 AM to 05:05 PM Littlehampton,
Here come the huge fat pollack. If the huge fat winds and waves don't get to us first!
Bass on wrecks, or spurdogs [CANCELLED] 18 Dec, 2023 from 08:25 AM to 05:25 PM Littlehampton,
If the water is clear, we'll be drifting offshore wrecks for gargantuan bass. If it's all cloudy and murky, the spurdogs will be inshore in numbers and feeding hard.
Weymouth wrasse trip [CANCELLED] 27 Nov, 2023 from 08:25 AM to 05:25 PM Weymouth,
One of the best trips of the year - fishing at anchor with hardback crabs in shallow water for ballan wrasse - and they really can scrap. Our record - an almost eight pound monster - came on this trip. Is this the year we break the British record?
Drifting sandbanks for bass [CANCELLED] 13 Nov, 2023 from 08:20 AM to 05:20 PM Littlehampton,
Back on a big tide, we'll be targeting the big autumn bass with lure on the drift. Really exciting fishing.
Autumn wrecking for monster bass [CANCELLED] 07 Nov, 2023 from 07:45 AM to 04:45 PM Littlehampton,
It's the time of year to get out and get a huge bass from the wrecks. Last year, Stew smashed the club record with an 11-pounder. Can we beat that this year?
Wrecking for bass [CANCELLED] 23 Oct, 2023 from 08:20 AM to 05:20 PM Littlehampton,
On small tides, Martin heads for offshore wrecks in fairly deep water, where there are some big bass waiting. Our new club record of 11lb came on this trip last year. All you need is a spinning rod and some big rubber lures.
Bream and bass 02 Oct, 2023 from 08:15 AM to 05:15 PM Weymouth,
This is a good tide to combine breaming over the rough ground, with some bassing on the ledges or in the race. It could be a cracker.
Some kind of bassing [CANCELLED] 18 Sep, 2023 from 08:15 AM to 05:15 PM Littlehampton,
This is a big-ish tide so the bass should be feeding hard somewhere. In this case, 'somewhere' probably means sandbanks or rough ground inshore. We may also chase birds working fish on the surface. Who knows? It'll be fun though.
Sandbank bassing [CANCELLED] 04 Sep, 2023 from 08:15 AM to 05:15 PM Littlehampton,
This is a big-ish tide so the bas should be feeding hard over the sandbanks. We'll be drifting with lures to check whether they are. No snags and lots of bass... what more could you possibly want?
Rays and bream 25 Aug, 2023 from 08:10 AM to 05:10 PM Weymouth,
Late summer an autumn is the best time for Weymouth, and on this trip, we'll be targeting the plentiful bream and other rough ground species, along with some big blonde rays.
More bass or rough ground species 07 Aug, 2023 from 08:10 AM to 05:10 PM Littlehampton,
If the water is clear enough and the bass are feeding, we'll be fishing for them with lures, but if it isn't or they aren't we'll fish for rays and bream and all the rest at anchor.

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